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Canceling FindLaw

Time to Cancel Your FindLaw Website?

I Worked for FindLaw, Now I Can Work For You.

FindLaw website up for renewal? Now that FindLaw is no longer owned by Thomson Reuters, are you planning on staying?  Are you searching for an alternative to an expensive FindLaw, Lawyers.com or Scorpion Design website? I can help.   I have been working in online legal marketing since 2003. I make cost-effective marketing plans and offer full website ownership with $0 monthly fees.

Unlike the big companies that push the same packages to everyone, I understand that not every firm is looking for the same thing in a website. Some of my law firms simply needed a basic website for referrals or opposing counsel to look at. I also work with law firms who spend thousands of dollars each month and rely on their website to generate a stream of new clients. 

I work with you to build a plan that fits your goals in the most cost-effective way possible.

Questions about Cancelling Findlaw? Contact Me Today

I have helped several law firms move away from FindLaw and take ownership of their websites, and I can help you too. Contact me today for a custom quote and straight-forward answers about what you have and what it’s going to take to rebuild it.  Here are a few of the questions I answer most frequently from FindLaw clients:

Are the subscriptions that I have with FindLaw working?

This question is really at the core of making the decision to leave. You likely have a long list of confusing products that you’re billed for every month. You might even be getting cases from your FindLaw website from time to time. However, understanding what FindLaw is and is not providing can be very difficult. 

You might be seeing some value from FindLaw’s directory, but your search engine position is lacking. Or, you might be doing OK organically, but you’re seeing a bad overall value because your website package was trumped up with a variety of ineffective add-on listings or other low-performing products. I help you understand what you’re actually getting from FindLaw, and can help you identify products that should be left behind.

What content do I own and not own?

In a great majority of FindLaw websites, the content and some basic SEO coding is responsible for the search engine rankings you’re seeing. This is good news because you can take those pieces with you. Any page that was custom written for you is your property. There may be content on your website that was licensed or syndicated to you, such as the FAQs or Practice Centers. By and large, these are garbage and doing nothing for you (since the same content very likely appears on your competitors pages as well). You also might have content on your blog that has been provided by FindLaw. Typically you can NOT take their blog content with you, nor would you want to.

Our primary concern is the main pages that cover each element of your area of law, and with very few exceptions, you own and can re-use that content. It’s also important to understand that a great majority of your traffic from Google may be coming from the map listings, which have nothing to do with FindLaw.

What about all of this “on-going optimization” FindLaw is providing?

The simple fact is that they probably aren’t providing you much of anything. Or what they are providing (on-going blog posts or directory links) is either ineffective, or overpriced. If you want help understanding what traffic you are getting and where it’s coming from I can help you. More importantly, if you want to learn about the best ways that you can invest in your website to drive new traffic, I can help with that as well. Regardless of whether you work with me or someone else, make sure you are not paying hundreds or thousands of dollars a month to simply keep an underperforming website online.

What if I need to update my website?

If you choose to have your website built on WordPress, you will be able to make changes on your own, or I can make them for you. If you decide you do NOT want your website on WordPress, I can still help you. I remain available to make updates to your website at an hourly rate, or am also available for monthly agreements if you would like on-going consulting for your website. My websites are build in very plain HTML language that any web-type person would certainly be able to edit, so you can also hire someone local or learn to make basic edits on your own. Most people familiar with computers would be able to learn how to edit them on their own in a few hours with the right software, and if you’re going the WordPress route there are hours and hours of helpful tutorial videos available from a variety of sources.

How much does it cost to keep a website up?

In most cases, about $80 to $100 per year. I set up a Hostinger account in your name and publish the site there. I have monthly packages available if you are looking for on-going optimization or other services, but the base website should only cost about $100 a year. If you’re paying more than that without a good explanation, contact me today and we can talk about your options.

Can I Have My FindLaw Website Transferred Over to WordPress?

Yes.  Your FindLaw website is already on WordPress, but it might not be easy to move it without some experience.  I can help you put the site back together, have it looking great and pull the SEO coding from the live or archived site as well, since FindLaw will not include that in the site you take with you.   

Do you need the End User Interface (EUI)?

These are the files that make up your website that FindLaw will give you at the end of your contract term. For my purposes, they are useless. I do not encourage people to use them, because all you really want from your site is the content and maybe a few lines of code. Using the EUI makes it more likely that you’re going to carry over lines and lines of coding that unnecessarily complicate your site.

If you have questions about getting away from your FindLaw website feel free to call, email or text. me today.

Questions? Don’t Hesitate to Contact Me