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Example Sites

What’s I Like About This Site: I’ll always be extra proud of this website; Phyllis came to me with no web presence and we built it brick by brick.  It’s now a revenue-producing machine.

What’s I Like About This Site: Gina had no web presence when we started, and we’ve since built it to a site that dominates her area.  

Federal Criminal Defense in Alaska

What’s I Like About This Site: I love that we chose imagery that highlights Alaska’s natural beauty instead of courtroom and pillar stock photos.  

Serious Personal Injury in Atlanta

What’s I Like About This Site: Warren was a great collaborator and we ended up with a great design.  This is a link to the temporary redesign site.

What’s I Like About This Site: I’m proud to work with one of the largest and most established firms in Omaha.  This is a link to the temporary redesign site.