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Websites for Personal Injury Lawyers

Accident & Injury Lawyers

If you are a personal injury lawyer, you have likely already heard every pitch by every slimy salesman ever.

“It only takes ONE case to pay for it ALL!!!”

I cringe whenever I hear these words. Counting on some mythical 8 figure case to justify an insane marketing spend is…well, a sport for a select few.  The injury lawyers I work with have a network of referral clients and need a good looking site to foster those leads.  

I have been working with injury lawyers since the very early 2000s; I have seen trends come and go. Ultimately, converting injury clients is about showing trustworthiness, expertise and accessibility.  

Free Consultation.  $0 Down

Obviously you and all of your competitors are offering a free consultation with zero money down, but if we do this carefully, we can do it better.  Most injury lawyers simply say “free consultation” by the phone number and leave it at that.   Let’s do better: 

A Page Describing the Free Consultation

Giving a detailed description of the free consultation can set you apart from your competitors.  I always address that we probably can’t cover the big two questions, which are some version of: 

  • How much is my case worth? 
  • When will I get my money?  

While you can’t answer those questions, you can write them, and they are great searches to show up for.  SEO gaming aside, explaining to your client what they will and will not learn in that first meeting is very helpful.   Convincing them that it’s more than a sales presentation and that there is real guidance and value in the consultation is the key.

Google Adwords  

If you are using adwords, I’d highly suggest a strategy beyond bidding for stuff like “injury lawyer” and “car accident lawyer”.  The reason being you’re going to pay close to $100 a click for those terms, and they just will not convert at a high enough rate to justify those prices.  A wide variety of keywords can bring in good clients – you do not have to show up first for the most obvious searches to get good leads from your site.  

Website Replacement & FindLaw Audits for Injury Lawyers

If you have a FindLaw website and are looking to have it replaced, I can help you like I’ve helped hundreds of other law firms leave FindLaw.  If you are not sure how your products are working, I can audit your account and give you both solid data on your directory products and actionable suggestions for changes to your site.