"I can’t say enough good things. They tell the truth. They deliver on promises. It’s such a relief to know I can trust someone in this industry. We consistently get 7 to 1 ROI. You can call me anytime for a reference. I would be lost without Swell-Sites."
Look at this Vape Info Center
Phyllis focuses her practice on Juvenile Defense and working with kids who are facing suspension from public school or need representation in a discipline tribunals. We were seeing a lot of kids get caught with vapes. We made this page and we are dominating on Google. Go run any search for vape defense or anything related in Georgia. You will undoubtedly see this site.
Amazing Google Results
Go and look for a vape defense lawyer in Georgia. You will find this page.
This was a great work-around
You really can't use terms like "vape" or "THC" on Google Ads because they assume you're trying to SELL them. So we needed to find a solution. If you want solutions, not excuses, give me a call.
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